Award Winning DVD's and CD's for babies and toddlers

Hi, I'm Barbara Marcus, parenting expert / executive producer / author / founder of the Baby Prodigy Company
Now an accomplished author, parenting expert, and executive producer, Barbara’s initial product was the production of a video titled “Baby Prodigy.”
The video’s inspiration was the result of her newborn daughter, Samantha, who suffered from unbearable bouts of colic at just six weeks old. Not knowing what else to do, Barbara took to the internet and unexpectedly discovered something very intriguing. She found that certain types of brain stimulation not only affect intelligence, but also a child’s happiness. While Barbara didn’t find a cure for colic she did find that music and visuals helped soothe Samantha. Taking this and her research of brain stimulation and happiness, she wrote, produced and directed her first video “Baby Prodigy.”
There are many that can attest to the quality and success of the Baby Prodigy CD's, DVD's, and more! Here are a few testimonials to this company:
My son is only one, but he watches Dookie Duck without ever looking away. He gets so excited when he sees me put a DVD in; then he looks at me in confusion if it's not Dookie, and sometimes he even cries!
- Claire Kreeger
Our son has autism and is two years old. He does not talk and is learning sounds and sign language. When I put your DVD in yesterday, he said DUCK, DUCK. He just loves it. Words cannot express what we've been through and how happy we are that he spoke!
- Holly H. Navarre, Fla.
Your video is a gem! My 22 month old asks to "watch Dookie" about 20 times a day. He smiles and laughs through the entire video, naming the toys, participating with the games, and applauding when Dookie comes on the screen. I even had to find red cups and an apple so we could play one of the games. He has also learned the same/ different game with spoons and forks. I came to your website in hopes to find other merchandise such as Dookie toys or other videos. My son fell in love with the character so I hope that there is more to come. Congratulations on a job well done.
- April Taylor, a happy mom
We have the Baby Prodigy DVD. My 7/12 month old has watched it on a regular basis for a couple of months and she loves it so much more than the other videos on the market. Please tell me you are releasing another one. I want to give her variety, but still with Dookie. When will another be released?
Out of all the baby videos out there, my son loves Dookie the best! As soon as we put it on, he puts on a smile from ear-to-ear and then starts giggling with delight. You can't even get his attention when the movie is on - he is so mesmerized. Hurry up and gives us another!
- Dookie fan in Harwood Heights, IL

The Baby Prodigy Company has won over 25 national awards including:
Parenting Magazine DVD of the Year
Creative Child Magazine's Top Toy of the Year
Dr. Toy's Best Audio/Video Products
Dove Family Approved
IParenting Media Award
Creative Child Magazine's Award of Excellence
Dr. Toy's 100 best Children's products
Kid's First! Endorsed
The Telly Award
Dr. Toy's Best Vacation Products
Film Advisory Board Award of Excellence
And More!